Friday, April 21, 2017

Lit Review 5

2) Guerrero, A.A. 2010. “The Determinants of College Student Retention.” Dissertation published by UMI Dissertations Publishing.

3) The study aims to discover the factors related to the student retention rate. The goal was to identify factors that influenced students' commintement to remaining enrolled in college. A lot of factors were identified but the most significant relationship was wether a student was enorlled part time or full time. Guerero found that part time sutdents were 230% more likely to drop out compared to full time students.

4) Adam Guerrero is passionate about higher education and looks to explore the passions and challenging ideas that allow studnets to reach their full potential



7) Part time students are more likely to drop out. Part time students most likey are those who cannot afford to go full time adn by definity are off-campus students. Thus off campus students have a high rate of not finishing school.

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